Concierge Portable Charge Station

Designed to be an in-store mobile charging station for the batteries of the Concierge shopping cart unit, this device charges 144 batteries from a single 120V standard wall outlet. Consulting with Vervian Design Group, Edey FX was responsible for a turnkey design solution including testing and fabrication of prototypes for UL certification and final production samples.
Client Mercatus Technologies
Partner Vervian Design Group
Skills Industrial Design, Product Design, Sheetmetal, Metal Fabrication, IP68, UI, UX, Injection Molding, PCB, Prototyping, Paint, Tradeshow

The cart is outfitted with casters and a dead man’s brake system; the brake engages once the user lets go of the frame, stopping a fully loaded 500+ lbs cart instantly and safely.
Designed for the public use environment, this robust portable device has twelve removable bays for easy maintenance. The bays integrate with a filtered air cooling system, maintaining a clean, temperature-controlled environment.